Thursday, December 27, 2012

Helicopter Christmas Ornaments

Anyone who spends some time with Luke will know of his obsession with helicopters.  "Helicop" is generally the first word we hear every morning.  We have multiple remote control helipcopters, and lots of toys as well.  So we had to make this years Christmas ornament a helicop.

Luke had fun rolling out the clay and painting the ornaments.

Here's how the final product turned out after some paint and mod podge glaze.

 We all had fun making the ornaments.  Next year we get to make two types!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


We didn't post much for November, but here were a few things that happened.

Jon and I celebrated our 3rd Wedding Anniversary.  We got some take-out and I got these lovelies at the front door.  Good job husband.

We also had another ultrasound to see baby boy.  He was doing great in there, and everything looks just perfect.  He is measuring tall for his gestational age, so I think we will have another tall baby rather than him actually being due early.  All of his organs look just right, and he moves non-stop like a little boy should.

We went to Modesto for Thanksgiving and Luke spent all day chasing around the dog and the cat, as usual.  He's pooped by the end of the day when we stay with Nana and Grandpa, and he actually wants to get some sleep.  Another highlight of the trip this time were the tractors across the street where construction was being done.  Luke kept saying "tractor?" to everyone to see who would take him back to see them some more.

November 25th was Luke's 22nd month-iversary.  I didn't post the picture on facebook in time, but here it is.

December has been good so far, and we are just busily working on some homemade Christmas gifts.  I'll post them after we give them out so I don't ruin any surprises.