Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I have called Luke "Pumpkin" for as long as I can remember.  For some reason, that's the nickname that just stuck.  He answers to it just as well as he answers to Luke.

These last few weeks we've had the opportunity to visit a pumpkin patch twice and make some pumpkin crafts of our own for the upcoming holidays.

The middle picture makes me crack up.  It's probably the worst picture Luke has ever taken in his life, and I still think he's adorable. :)

We also made some pumpkins with Jelly Belly's inside for our friends.  An idea borrowed from a picture I saw on Pinterest.

We had some fun making our Pirate Potato Head pumpkin as well.  Luke had more fun poking him I think.

And finally, he got mashed in.

Luke has a little dinosaur costume for Halloween.  I'll try to get some pictures of him in it tomorrow.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Let's see if we can figure this blogging thing out....

I've always enjoyed reading other people's blogs.  It's fun to see recipes, and kids growing, and what people do in their every day lives.  I wanted to start this blog so you can keep up with the things that we are doing, and also so we can turn it into a book at the end of the year to remember how much fun we had.

I'm sure Luke will take over about 90% of this blog, but he is definitely the cutest one of us.

I'll start with some catch up of some of the things we've done over the last few months, and we will eventually get to present day.

So Luke is completely in love with helicopters and planes.  He wakes up almost every morning saying, "Helicop? Where's helicop?" We spend a lot of time flying this little remote control guy around the house.  The second he hears a plane or helicopter outside, we have to go out and search for it in the sky.

We spent some time visiting the local Natural History Museum.  They have a fun area for kids where they can search for fossils and play with some educational toys.  We enjoy this little indoor escape from some of the hot days down here in Bakersfield.

Then one day I had the bright idea of starting a painting project with Luke....

He, of course, had the time of his life!  He did decide to do a little running across the carpet.  Oops.  Luckily, I was smart enough to get the washable paint and it came right out.  He dove right in and started painting with his hands and his feet.  We decided to get the letters for his name too, since we are working on learning them. I think he's a pretty good little artist!

That'll be all of the catch up for this post, we will continue more in the next post.  
