Friday, January 18, 2013

Big Brother Luke and Baby Jake

We've been trying to prepare Luke for becoming a big brother.  He's not even quite 2 yet, but he is a pretty smart kid- so he knows something is up with my belly.  We got him a little baby brother doll, just to give him the general idea of some things we might be doing with the baby.  He points out babies all the time when we are out, and he even seems to like them!  Luke is such a sweet boy, so I know he will be a great big brother.  Most days he kisses and hugs my belly all on his own, and says "Hi Baby Jake."

We pulled out the infant carseat so I could get it cleaned up.  Luke immediately jumped in- I think he is a little big now though... Then we practiced putting the baby in and buckling him up.

This one was completely his idea.  He wanted baby brother doll to ride the bike with him.  He was even trying to sit him on the seat and teach him by himself.

This will be Baby Jake's going home from the hospital outfit.  I thought it was adorable.

And here is the cutest little face that I just can't wait to see.  Ok, I can wait 2.5 more months for him to bake, but then I can't wait to see him!

And his little baby feets all curled up.  For the half a second that he wasn't kicking me and moving around in there.

We can't wait to be the parents of two crazy little boys.  Chasing each other around, playing with some sort of ball all day long, playing race cars, and hopefully lots of cuddling will continue!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!! I love this post! I'm so excited to meet baby Jake too and to see how Luke and Jake fall in love with each other!! :)

    And oh my Luke is so tall! LOL
