Thursday, June 13, 2013

All about Jake

Jake was born on March 28th 2013.  It was one week before my due date and I was already around 5-6 cm, so the doctors decided it would be fine for me to go in and "urge" Jake out a little.  I hadn't had any real forceful contractions, but somehow my body had already started the process.  I got an epidural (that worked well this time!!) around 9:30am.  Water broke around 10:30am.  I never had to feel a single bad contraction! It was great!

A few hours before Jake arrived.  We look drugged, but I'm pretty sure it was just the camera flash :).  We did have a second to sit down and relax together though, which was very nice.

Then around 3pm Jake was ready to come.  I pushed him out super quick because I just couldn't wait any longer to see his face (and it hurt really bad and I wanted to be done)! He came out screaming his head off, the most beautiful sound you can think of at that moment.  He was a bigger baby for me at 7 pounds and 14 ounces.  Super healthy with beautiful skin, and lots of blonde hair!  It was such a wonderful Birthday for the little guy!

 Admiring our brand new little man.

 So glad that my Mama was able to be there and help things go smoothly for Jake's birth.

 Luke was able to come meet Jake within the first hour after birth.    This is our first official photo as a family of four.  Luke had way too much fun hanging out with Grandpa and Uncle Cory while Jon and I were at the hospital.  He hardly even noticed we were gone.

 Ready to get out of here and go home!
 Hanging out with Grandpa.

 Papa and YiaYia came to visit.
 Grandma with little Jake.

 Aunt Melissa tastes yummy!
Uncle Kyle talking to Jake.

Uncle Cory rocking him.

 Second Mommy Mia came to visit and took some great pictures of Baby Jake.

Jake is such a blessing to our family.  He is very sweet and loveable.  He's a bit of a chunky monkey compared to his big brother, and I love it!  He's a good eater, a fairly good sleeper, and he loves to smile and is almost laughing already!  He's 2.5 months now, so I'll fill in some of the details in a later post too.


  1. Beautiful post! Welcome to the best family ever Jake!! You are so loved by so many already!

  2. such a sweet first family photo. I wish we would have taken one. Baby Jake is such a cutie. Hope you guys are doing well!
